Sunday 10 May 2009

Hazel Blears is a cunt

Hazel Blears was on the news today trotting out the same line about her claims being in line with the rules of the house. She isn't the worst of them but since she has dared to show her stealing little ginger face, she can get my ire this morning. She redesignated her second home 3 times in a year in order to get money out of the taxpayer. She is a thieving cunt, if not in law, at least in the spirit of decency.
Then look at her own website: Lots of support for homeowners there!

1 comment:

  1. Someone should grab Hazel Blears by her minging flange, whirl her round and round their heads shouting "Fly you cunt" and then throw her headlong into the gaping cunt that is Caroline Flint and hope the collision induces an atomic fusion and the two vile hoors implode.
