Tuesday, 28 April 2009
This isn’t meant as a party political point but the Labour government has set itself a target of getting 50% of people into University, claiming that in the modern world economy we need an educated workforce. To some extent this is true since every day I study alongside students from China, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Greece, Russia and a whole host of other countries which shows that Brits need to get their smarts up as well. However, the problem lies with how we do this and I believe that we are taking totally the wrong approach.
Sure we need brighter young people but there is no point trying to achieve this by creating more University places since this is way too late. Chinese students doing Maths or Physics at A-Level stage are doing a syllabus which is on a par with our undergrad courses in the same subjects. We are churning out thousands upon thousands of GCSE and A-Level graduates who don’t have the knowledge to compete with their global peers but in the UK we send them to University, give them a degree and tell them that they are the equal of any country’s graduates.
If more money was invested at GCSE and A-Level stage and people were allowed to fail here, then students would have higher expectations and gradually improve rather than the usual cycle of grade inflation we face each year.
Maybe in 10-15 years we will have 50% of young people able to go to University because they have the requisite abilities and possess the logical and reasoning skills to study at this higher level but we are deluding ourselves if we think we have loads of brainy grads just because we farm more people through Universities.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Iain Dale's Downfall
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Thicko Swarm
It is bad enough that these silly little further education colleges get the number of students that they normally do but any further rise in applications is going to be made up of a large number of people who are not suited to higher education, should be doing manual or secretarial work and are gonna find themselves doing that in 3 years time with a few fancy letters after their names and £20k in debt.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Good day to bury bad news
All hunky-dory then?
The BBC seem eager to paint a rosy picture of today's budget with this puff-piece. What a government briefed, loved up pile of bollocks. According to this, everything is fine as they are hiring some more people to work in the job centre to service all the dole-hounds that this govt is creating every second of every day. Also if you're fired they will help with your mortgage for a couple of months and all will be sunshine and flowers since they're only taxing the 1% of people who have bothered to make some money in this country.
Where's the critical analysis of tax and spend policy? Where is the inciteful criticism of billions of borrowing? Nowhere on the pissing BBC.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Sentencing Policy
Monday, 20 April 2009
No honour
Today the BBC reports market sensitive information which is bound to impact the share prices of housing companies at the very least but there is no uproar?? In googling for Hugh Dalton's name I also came across this piece by the venerable Iain Dale which echoes (what's the word for the original noise which causes my echo?) my thoughts exactly...
None of this shower are ever likely to resign though so I guess we're just waiting on next May instead!
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Guido Slurs
But who exactly is Paul Staines? What makes him so angry? And is his incendiary website funded, as some of his victims like to imply, by a shadowy millionaire intent on overthrowing the Government?
then a few lines later:
Despite innuendo-laden questions about his funding that regularly appear on Left-wing websites, Mr Staines is entirely self-sufficient
Thursday, 16 April 2009
G20 Rioters
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Derek Draper
Spirit of 99
This shit is getting on a par with the Sunday papers when a footballer gets sent off. Every time there is a red card, journos have two choices of cliche - "X sees red as Utd win" or "Red mist descends at stadium x". Every time, its one of these two...